
Please find below some important info:

Registration Fees

Registration TypeEarly Bird (until 26 July 2024) **Regular Registration
(from 27 July to 12 August 2024)**

Late Registration (from 13 August until 29 August) **
Regular€460 *€600
Student / Retired ***€200€350
Accompanying Person (Poster session drinks and Symposium dinner)€100€130

* All fees are not subject to VAT due to Article 7-quinquies dpr 633/72 of the Italian Law

** Deadlines intended at 23:59 CEST

*** Proofing document will be requested by ESA-ESRIN Conference Bureau via the registration form (

Training Sessions

A training session will take place on Saturday, 7 September. Please note that lunch will not be provided, but there will be a 2-hour lunch break.

Cancellation Policy

You may cancel your registration up to and including 21 July 2024. You will be refunded the full amount payed.